New Action on Abuse fund available for charities working in the domestic abuse sector. Applications will be opening shortly.
There is no set amount for grant funding, and the Trustees are keen to receive applications that will deliver longer term support for example over a period of between one to three years. Interim impact reports are to be submitted at key stages.
The Trustees will consider grant applications for projects and interventions that provide support to women, men, and children. For example, core costs, therapeutic and emotional support, practical one-to-one advice, counselling, support groups, and drop-ins.

Eligibility requirements: Grants are only made to charities that are based in Merseyside and are specialist domestic abuse support organisations whose primary purpose is to provide support to those who are, or who have been affected by domestic abuse.
The charity must be registered with the Charity Commission. They must have at least one year of independently examined or audited accounts published on the Charity Commission website.
This list is non-exhaustive, therefore if you wish to seek further clarification or need advice on the online application process, please contact Lifa Zvimbande [email protected]

To make a grant application, please download our Holt Main Grant Application form by clicking the link below. On the form, you will find full terms and conditions and application criteria. Return your completed application by email as we are unable to accept submissions sent by post.
The email address to use is
[email protected]